La Plata’s Election Day is Tuesday, May 6th 2025!
It should be our goal for La Plata to have the highest municipal voter turnout in the state! Imagine how that would look to businesses considering investments in our town…Imagine how it could impact the state legislature to know La Plata has the highest percentage of people voting and participating in local issues compared to anyplace else in Maryland… I want that for us, and I hope you also come to see the benefit of high resident engagement for La Plata’s future. Will you Help?
Election Day is Tuesday, May 6th 2025

Did You Know?
Our Local Elections Are Decided By Only A Few
Historically a small percentage of residents determine the Town of La Plata’s election outcomes.
Election Day is Tuesday May 6th 2025

Did You Know?
Your Vote Matters More Here
In the Town of La Plata elections, your vote has greater impact than in state or national races because so few registered voters typically cast their ballot in La Plata.
Election Day is Tuesday, May 6th 2025

Did You Know?
Increasing Voter Turnout Increases Accountability
When residents vote in larger numbers, it increases the emphasis for elected town leaders to engage and respond to concerns expressed by the public.
Election Day is Tuesday, May 6th 2025

Did You Know?
You Are Likely Already Registered To Vote In La Plata
If you’re a registered voter in Maryland with a Town of La Plata address, you are already registered to vote in Town of La Plata elections.
Make sure you know your registered voter status before Monday, April 7th 2025.
Use the button below to check your status now with the Maryland State Board of Elections, it takes just seconds!
Election Day is Tuesday, May 6th 2025

Did You Know?
If You Recently Moved To La Plata It’s Easy to Update Your Voter Address
If you are a Maryland registered voter who recently moved to the Town of La Plata, you only need to update your address with the board of elections to be eligible to vote in town elections.
NOTE: Updates to your registered voter address must be made before Monday, April 7th 2025.
Use the button below to update your address now with the Maryland Board of Elections, it is fast and easy!
Election Day is Tuesday, May 6th 2025

Did You Know?
If You Are Not A Registered Voter, Registration Is Easy
Living in La Plata and not already a registered voter in Maryland, registration is simple. But you have to register to vote in Maryland before April 7th to be eligible to vote in the May 2025 town election
If you are a La Plata resident but do not want to become a registered voter in Maryland, however, and still want to vote in the town election, you can. You just need to submit a Supplemental Voter Registration Application with the town prior to April 6th.
Make A Plan for Tuesday, May 6th 2025
A “Vote Local” Plan For Town Council & Mayor
- Plan To Vote: Please Verify Your Voter Registration Status (see links on this page). Update your voter registration if needed. If you are not a registered voter please let this town election be your first! Links for first time Maryland voter registration are on this page.
- Share Election Information: Please Share Election Information with Your Family, Friends & Neighbors Who Live In the Town of La Plata. www.voteguttenberg.org/vote-local/
- Cast Your Ballot On Tuesday, May 6th 2025. Voting occurs in person at the La Plata Town Hall, located at 305 Queen Anne Street. Voting hours are noon to 8 pm on election day. NOTE: The town council is considering modifying 2025 voting hours to start earlier in the morning on election day. If and when those additional 2025 voting hours are approved by the town council, I will update this information.
The choices our town will need to make in the next 4 years are critically important to the quality of life where we live. Your participation in the local vote is an important element of the town being able to plan a better future for La Plata that best aligns with the values and concerns of La Plata’s residents.
I think it should be our goal for La Plata to have the highest municipal voter turnout in the state! Imagine how that would look to businesses considering investments in our town…Imagine how it could impact the state legislature to know La Plata has the highest percentage of people voting and participating in local issues compared to anyplace else in the state… I want that for us, and I hope you also see the benefit of high resident engagement for La Plata’s future.
Will you help?